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Hymns of the Father Devotional

eBook & Paperback 

The devotional is a powerful exploration of the character of God the Father over the course of one month. We'll look at 20 individual hymns and the incredible stories that inspired their writing, along with the scriptural foundation for each and a practical, modern application that helps the message meet you where you are.


Each week in this four-week devotional explores a different aspect of the Father—the God of creation, of grace, of faithfulness, who is worthy of our worship.

Hymns of the Father Audiobook and Music
Day 10 - Here Is Love Vast As the Ocean
00:00 / 08:36

Audiobook + Music

Devotional + Music = Awesome. Enjoy a unique devotional format with the Hymns of the Father on audiobook. Featuring original musical arrangements from Reawaken Hymns for each day’s devotional, the audiobook will be a worshipful and impactful experience as we walk through the history, Scripture, and devotional application of your favorite hymns.

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Album + Audiobook + eBook

Chordbook + Album + ebook

Multitracks + Lyric Videos + Chordbook + Album + Instrumentals + eBook + Audiobook

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