{title:He Leadeth Me} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:E} {comment:Intro/Interludes} [E] [F#m] [A] [G#] {comment:Verse 1} He l[E]eadeth me, O b[A]lessed thought, O [C#m]words with heavenly c[B]omfort fraught. Whate[E]'er I do, where[A]'er I be, Still ’[C#m]tis God’s hand that l[B]eadeth [E]me.
 {start_of_chorus} He [E]leadeth[B/F#] me, He l[A]eadeth me, By[C#m] His own hand He l[B]eadeth me. His [E]faithful f[B/F#]ollower [A]I would be, For[C#m] by His hand He l[B]eadeth [E]me.
{end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} Some[E]times ’mid scenes of d[A]eepest gloom, Some[C#m]times where Eden’s [B]bowers bloom, By w[E]aters calm, o’er t[A]roubled sea, Still [C#m]’tis God’s hand that l[B]eadeth [E]me. {comment:Verse 3} And w[E]hen my task on e[A]arth is done, when,[C#m] by thy grace, the vi[B]ctory won, And d[E]eath's cold wave I w[A]ill not flee, since [C#m]God through Jordan l[B]eadeth [E]me. {comment:Interlude 2}: [E] [F#m] [A] [B] {comment:Interlude 3}: [E]