{title:Now Thank We All Our God} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:Eb} {capo: 3} {comment:INTROx2/INTERLUDES:} [Eb] [Ab] [Bb] [Cm] [Ab] [Eb] {comment:Verse 1} Now [Eb]thank we [Ab]all our [Bb]God, with [Cm]heart and [Ab]hands and[Bb] voice[Eb]s, Who[Eb] wondrous [Ab]things has [Bb]done, in [Cm]whom His [Ab]world re[Bb]joices[Eb]; Who [Cm]from our [Eb]mothers’ [Bb]arms has [Eb]blesse on our [Bb]way With [Ab]countless gifts of [Fm]love, and [Fm]still is [Bb]ours t[Eb]oday. {comment:Verse 2} O [Eb]may this [Ab]bounteous [Bb]God through [Cm]all our [Ab]life be [Bb]near [Eb]us, With [Eb]ever jo[Ab]yful [Bb]hearts and [Cm]blessed [Ab]peace to [Bb]cheer[Eb] us; And [Cm]keep us [Eb]in His g[Bb]race, and g[Eb]uide us [Cm]when per[Bb]plexed; And f[Ab]ree us from all i[Fm]lls, Of [Fm]this worl[Bb]d in the ne[Eb]xt! {comment:Verse 3} All [Eb]praise and [Ab]thanks to [Bb]God the [Cm]Father [Ab]now be[Bb] give[Eb]n; The[Eb] Son and [Ab]spirit b[Bb]lessed Who [Cm]reign in [Ab]highest [Bb]Heave[Eb]n; The [Cm]one et[Eb]ernal [Bb]God, whom [Eb]Heaven and [Cm]Earth a[Bb]dore; For t[Ab]hus it was, is [Fm]now, and [Fm]shall [Bb]be ever[Eb]more.