{title:O To Be Like Thee} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:G} {capo:5} {comment:Verse 1} O to be [G]like Thee, b[C]lessed Re[G]deemer, This is my [G]constant lo[(A)]nging and [D]prayer. Gladly I’ll f[G]orfeit a[C]ll of earth’s [G]treasures Jesus, Thy [D]perfect l[A]ikeness to [D]wear. {start_of_chorus} O to be l[C]ike Thee, O to be [G]like Thee, Blessed [D/F#]Redeemer, [C]pure as Thou [G]art. Come in Thy [C]sweetness, come in Thy f[G]ullness, Stamp Thine own i[G]mage d[D]eep on my h[G]eart. {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} O to be l[G]ike Thee, [C]full of comp[G]assion, Loving, [G]forgiving, [(A)]tender and [D]kind, Helping the [G]helpless, c[C]heering the fa[G]inting, Seeking the w[D]and’ring s[A]inner to f[D]ind. {comment:Verse 3} O to be li[G]ke Thee, l[C]owly in [G]spirit, Holy and [G]harmless, pa[A]tient and [D]brave, Meekly en[G]during c[C]ruel repr[G]oaches, Willing to [D]suffer, o[A]thers to s[D]ave.