{title:Near the Cross} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:F} {capo: 5} {comment:Intro/Interludes} [F] [Bb] [F] [C] {comment:Verse 1} [F]Jesus keep me [Bb]near the cross,  [F]There a precious f[C]ountain. [F]Free to all a [Bb]healing stream, [F]Flows from Calvary's [C]mounta[F]in. {comment:Verse 2} [F]Near the cross, a t[Bb]rembling soul, [F]Love and Mercy f[C]ound me. [F]There the bright and m[Bb]orning star [F]Sheds its beams a[C]round [F]me. {start_of_chorus} [F]In the cross, [Bb]in the cross. [F]Be my glory e[C]ver. [F]Til my ransomed s[Bb]oul shall find  [F]Rest beyond the[C] rive[F]r. {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 3} [F]Near the cross! O L[Bb]amb of God, [F]Bring its scenes bef[C]ore me. [F]Help me walk from [Bb]day to day, [F]With its shadows [C]o’er [F]me. {comment:Verse 4} [F]Near the cross I’ll w[Bb]atch and wait [F]Hoping, trusting e[C]ver, [F]Til I reach the g[Bb]olden strand, [F]Just beyond the[C] rive[F]r.