{title:Stricken, Smitten, and Afflicted} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:Gm} {capo:3} {comment:Intro/Interludes} [Gm] [F] [Eb] [Gm] [F] [Eb] [Gm] {comment:Verse 1} Stricken, s[Gm]mitten, and af[F]flicted, see Him d[Eb]ying on the tree. 'Tis the C[Gm]hrist by man rej[F]ected; yes, my [Eb]soul, 'tis[Eb/D] He, 'ti[Gm]s He. 'Tis the l[Bb]ong expected P[F]rophet, David's [Gm]Son, yet David's [F]Lord; By His [Gm]Son God now has s[F]poken: 'tis the [Eb]true and f[F]aithful [Gm]Word. {comment:Verse 2} Tell me, [Gm]ye who hear Him g[F]roaning, was there [Eb]ever grief like his. Friends through f[Gm]ear His cause dis[F]owning, foes in[Eb]sulting [Eb/D]His di[Gm]stress; [F/A]Many h[Bb]ands were raised to [F]wound Him, none would [Gm]interpose to [F]save; But the d[Gm]eepest stroke that p[F]ierced Him was the s[Eb]troke that j[F]ustice [Gm]gave. {comment:Verse 3} Ye who [Gm]think of sin but l[F]ightly, nor s[Eb]uppose the evil great; Here may [Gm]view its nature r[F]ightly, here its g[Eb]uilt may[Eb/D] estim[Gm]ate. [F/A]Mark the [Bb]sacrifice a[F]ppointed, see who[Gm] bears the awful [F]load; 'Tis the [Gm]Word, the Lord's An[F]ointed, Son of [Eb]Man and S[F]on of [Gm]God. {comment:Verse 4} Here we [Gm]have a firm foun[F]dation, here the r[Eb]efuge of the lost; Christ the [Gm]rock of our salv[F]ation, His the n[Eb]ame of [Eb/D]which we[Gm] boast. [F/A]Lamb of[Bb] God, for sinners w[F]ounded, sacr[Gm]ifice to cancel [F]guilt. None shall [Gm]ever be conf[F]ounded who on H[Eb]im their h[F]ope have bu[Gm]ilt.