{title: I Am Resolved} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:Ab} {capo:1} {comment:Verse 1} [Ab]I am resolved no l[Db]onger to linger, ch[Ab]armed by the worlds d[Eb]elight. Thi[Ab]ngs that are higher, [Db]things that are nobler, th[Ab]ese have a[Eb]llured m[Ab]y sight. {start_of_chorus} I [Ab]will ha[Db]sten to Him, ha[Ab]sten so glad and [Eb]free. Je[Ab]sus, gr[Db]eatest, highest I[Ab] will c[Eb]ome to [Ab]Thee. {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} [Ab]I am resolved to [Db]go to the Savior, L[Ab]eaving my sin and [Eb]strife; [Ab]He is the true One, [Db]He is the just One, He[Ab] hath the [Eb]words of[Ab]life.