{title:Great Is Thy Faithfulness} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:C#} {capo:1} {comment:Verse 1} Gr[C#]eat is thy fa[F#]ithfulness, [G#]O God my Fa[C#]ther, [F#]There is no [C#/D#m]shadow of tu[D#]rning with T[G#]hee; T[G#]hou changest [C#]not, Thy compassions they [D#m]fail not As Thou has b[C#]een Thou for[G#]ever wilt [C#]be. {start_of_chorus} [G#]Great is Thy fa[C#]ithfulness! [A#m]Great is Thy f[D#m]aithfulness! [G#]Morning by [C#]morning new [D#]mercies I [G#]see. All I have ne[G#]eded Thy [C#]hand hath p[D#m]rovided G[F#]reat is Thy fa[C#]ithfulness, L[G#]ord unto m[C#]e. {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} Pa[C#]rdon for s[F#]in and a p[G#]eace that end[C#]ureth, T[F#]hy own dear [C#/D#m]presence to c[D#]heer and to gu[G#]ide. St[G#]rength for [C#]today and bright hope for t[D#m]omorrow Blessings all [C#]mine, with ten [G#]thousand b[C#]eside.