{title:Holy Holy Holy} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:C#} {capo:1} {comment:Verse 1} [C#]Holy, [A#m]holy, h[G#]oly! L[F#]ord God Al[C#]mighty! [G#]Early in the mo[A#m]rning our [G#]song shall [D#]rise to [G#]Thee; [C#]Holy, [A#m]holy, [G#]holy, m[F#]erciful and m[C#]ighty! [A#m]God in three [C#]Persons, [F#]blessed T[G#]rini[C#]ty! {comment:Verse 2} [C#]Holy, h[A#m]oly, ho[G#]ly! tho[F#]ugh the darkness [C#]hide Thee, [G#]Though the eye of s[A#m]inful man Thy g[G#]lory m[D#]ay not [G#]see; [C#]Only [A#m]Thou art [G#]holy; t[F#]here is none b[C#]eside Thee, [A#m]Perfect in po[C#]wer, in l[F#]ove, and [G#]puri[C#]ty. {comment:Verse 3} [C#]Holy, h[A#m]oly, ho[G#]ly! A[F#]ll the saints a[C#]dore Thee, [G#]Casting down their [A#m]golden crowns a[G#]round the g[D#]lassy s[G#]ea; [C#]Cheru[A#m]bim and s[G#]eraphim f[F#]alling down bef[C#]ore Thee, [A#m]Who was, and [C#]is, and e[F#]verm[G#]ore shall [C#]be. {comment:Verse 4} [C#]Holy, h[A#m]oly, ho[G#]ly! L[F#]ord God A[C#]lmighty! [G#]All Thy works shall p[A#m]raise Thy Name, in [G#]earth, and s[D#]ky, and s[G#]ea; [C#]Holy, h[A#m]oly, ho[G#]ly; m[F#]erciful and m[C#]ighty! [A#m]God in three [C#]Persons, b[F#]lessed T[G#]rini[C#]ty!