{title:O Sacred Head Now Wounded} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:A#m} {capo:1} {comment:Intro} [A#m] {comment:Verse 1} O [F#]sacred Head, now [G#]wounde[C#]d, With g[A#m]rief and s[F]hame weighed d[A#m]own, Now s[F#]cornfully s[G#]urround[C#]ed With [A#m]thorns, Thine [F]only [A#m]crown. O [G#]sacred [F#]Head, what g[C#]lory, What [F#]bliss till now was [A#]Thine! Yet, [G#]though despi[C#]sed and g[D#]ory[G#], I j[F#]oy to c[G#]all Thee [A#m]mine. {comment:Verse 2} What [F#]Thou, my L[G#]ord, hast s[C#]uffered, Was [A#m]all for si[F]nners' [A#m]gain; My s[F#]in was the tra[G#]nsgressi[C#]on, But T[A#m]hine the d[F]eadly [A#m]pain: Lo, [G#]here I [F#]fall, my Sa[C#]vior! 'Tis [F#]I deserve Thy p[A#]lace; Look [G#]on me [C#]with [D#]Thy fav[G#]or, Vouch[F#]safe to [G#]me Thy [A#m]grace. {comment:Verse 3} The [F#]joy can never be[G#] spok[C#]en, a[A#m]bove all j[F]oys bes[A#m]ide, When [F#]in Thy body [G#]broken[C#] I t[A#m]hus with [F]safety [A#m]hide. O [G#]Lord of [F#]Life, des[C#]iring Thy [F#]glory now to s[A#]ee, Bes[G#]ide Thy [C#]cross [D#]expirin[G#]g, I'd [F#]breathe my [G#]soul to [A#m]Thee