{title:Are You Washed In The Blood} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:C#} {capo: 6} {comment:Verse 1} Have you [C#]been to Jesus for the cleansing power Are you w[C#]ashed in the blood of the l[G#]amb Are you f[C#]ully trusting in his gr[F#]ace this hour Are you [C#]washed in the b[G#]lood of the l[C#]amb {start_of_chorus} Are you washe[C#]d (are you washed) In the b[F#]lood (in the blood) In the s[C#]oul cleansing blood of the l[G#]amb Are your ga[C#]rments spotless are they w[F#]hite as snow Are you w[C#]ashed in the b[G#]lood of the l[C#]amb {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} Are you wa[C#]lking daily by the Savior's side Are you w[C#]ashed in the blood of the l[G#]amb Do you r[C#]est each moment in the Cr[F#]ucified Are you w[C#]ashed in the b[G#]lood of the l[C#]amb {comment: Verse 3} Lay a[C#]side the garments that are stained with sin And be wa[C#]shed in the blood of the l[G#]amb There's a fo[C#]untain flowing for the s[F#]oul unclean Oh be w[C#]ashed in the b[G#]lood of the l[C#]amb