{title:I Stand Amazed in the Presence} {artist:Reawaken Hymns} {key:G} {comment:Intro/Interludesx3} [G] [C] [G] [C] [G] {comment:Verse 1} I s[G]tand amazed in the presence Of J[D]esus the Naza[G]rene. And w[C]onder how He could l[G]ove me, A s[G]inner, cond[D]emned, unc[G]lean. {start_of_chorus} H[G]ow marvelous, How wonderful A[D]nd my song shall ever be: H[G]ow marvelous, [Em]How wonderful [Am]Is my S[G]avior's l[D]ove for [G]me. {end_of_chorus} {comment:Verse 2} For [G]me it was in the garden, He p[D]rayed, Not my will, but t[G]hine. He [C]had no tears for his own g[G]riefs, But s[G]weat drops of b[D]lood for [G]mine. {comment:Verse 3} He t[G]ook my sins and my sorrows; He m[D]ade them His very o[G]wn. He b[C]ore the burden to C[G]alvary, And s[G]uffered and d[D]ied al[G]one. {comment:Verse 4} When [G]with the ransomed in glory, His f[D]ace I at last shall s[G]ee. ’Twill b[C]e my joy through the [G]ages To s[G]ing of His l[D]ove for [G]me.